While shooting a wedding this past weekend with a dear friend, Kristen Gardner of Kristen Gardner Photography, we discussed briefly a book that she had recently read as part of her women’s bible study. The book was called “One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are” by Ann Voskamp . Ann Voskamp comes from a “not-so-perfect” life that is actually filled with moments of great pain. However, through that pain she challenges herself to find One Thousand Gifts in her life. As Kristen described this book to me, it brought to mind a project that I have wanted to do for quite some time now. I wanted to combine my love for photography and use it to search for all of the beautiful things in life that may not always be so outstandingly beautiful or that we wouldn’t image could be so beautiful because they are just so simple. This is a project that is long overdue and has really challenged me to begin to see the wonderful things in my life when things don’t seem to be so wonderful.
I’m a busy mom of four. My house is beyond hectic most of the time and I am incredibly guilty of getting frustrated with my children when things don’t go as planned. But I’m learning to embrace those moments because my children are only going to be children for a short time and my time with them is not guaranteed. So, I’m learning to find beauty in every smile as well as every cry. And every expression like this when I try to capture that “perfect” picture.
Or every little drool that constantly soaks my sons clothes because his teeth are coming in with a vengeance!
And sometimes the simplest of things exudes so much beauty. Like this little girl that was simply looking out of the window to the world outside. I hope that as she grows she takes the time to find the beauty in what she sees as well.
I want to challenge all of you that read this to find beauty in those “not-so-perfect” places. Not only do I want you to find it, but I want you to capture it. Either journal about it or capture it with a photo. Just a quick click with your phone or your camera. I promise you, it will make you see the world in a much different way.
For those of you that find this beauty, I would love to showcase it for others to see as well. Simply upload your photos to Facebook or Instagram and use #findingbeauty and briefly describe why it’s beautiful to you. I’ll be gathering these images once a week and including some in my blog post. I would love to see how you find beauty in the world and I’m sure others would love to be inspired by you too!
I also challenge you to read Ann Voskamp’s book. It will change your life!
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