While vacationing in Hilton Head last year, I said to my husband, “Will you please take a couple of photos of me breastfeeding Hayes on the beach?” Without hesitation he said, “Of course!” I thought I may be met with some type of hesitation or concern but was so happy that I wasn’t. Nursing my son was one of the most beautiful bonding experiences of my life and I wanted it to be captured forever. I am so thankful for the sweet images my husband was able to create and I am also so thankful that I had the freedom to nurse my son where I chose. Sadly, he is no longer nursing but I can look upon our photos together and remember those beautiful moments we had.
I do remember a time when nursing wasn’t so easy. Years ago when I was nursing my youngest daughter, I was working full time and needed to pump periodically during the day. I was told by my employer that there was not a space available for me in the building to do this privately. My choices were either to pump in the bathroom or my car. I was shocked that I was met with such opposition to finding me a private, SANITARY place to, in essence, feed my child. After doing much research, I found that the employer was in violation of the federal laws regarding breastfeeding. The law states that an employer must provide a private area OTHER THAN A BATHROOM and also out of public view. After presenting this informaiton to them, the company policy was promptly changed, however, no woman should ever have to fight to feed their child at work or any public place for that matter. Here is a link to Breastfeedinglaw.com which is a GREAT resource that explains the Breastfeeding Legislation at the federal level as well as in each state. Know your rights!
To all of you mommas out there, keep feeding those babies and do it proudly. These are some of the most precious moments you will ever have with your sweet, little ones. Cherish it and never be ashamed.
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