Give me a red dress, a gorgeous couple, and amazing views!!! What a perfect night! Paige and KJ flew up from Mississippi to do some wedding planning and to have their engagement photos done at Great Falls. I LOVE this place. It’s wonderful having such beautiful views so close to home. Not to mention, the weather was perfect!
I loved my time with Paige + KJ! We bonded over the woes and joys of working from home (KJ works remotely so he feels what all of us creatives feel), high school and college soccer (Paige was a star player in high school and also played in college), and the craziness of the ER (Paige is in her medical residency in Mississippi)! This time before the wedding day with my couples is priceless.
Paige and KJ, thank you so much for spending time with me after a long day of traveling and no sleep! I had the best time with you both and can’t wait until wedding day!!!
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